Matchmakers is here for you
We provide accommodation
We help you with creating a new start abroad!
When you start to make the move abroad finding housing is often difficult. In particular, finding an affordable house has often proven to be a mission impossible.
However it’s our mission to find and provide the best accommodation. In this way you can start your move abroad in a nice and calm way.

Our accommodations
All houses are completely furnished
We offer homes that are furnished and therefore you no longer have to arrange this!
Have gas, water, electricity and internet
All houses are made available with gas, water, electricity and internet.
Are close to a city and we can provide a car
This way you will have a nice home and you can go anywhere you would like to go!
Opportunities across The Netherlands
It is common for accommodations to be located near cities. In consultation, we try to find a house as close to work as possible for you.
In some cases it may be nice to share your home with a colleague. We are willing to cooperate with that, however, we make it a requirement that everyone always has their own space! This way you will always have a place to yourself.
Reasons why you should choose for matching with us
No matter how much the world digitises, recruitment will always be working with people. Our personal approach and attention for client and candidate is our distinguishing feature.
We believe in the perfect match! Not just based on training and work experience, but also on personality. We are convinced that every person is unique. During our careers, we have helped thousands of people find a job and hundreds of clients find the ideal candidates, in various sectors and for different positions.
With our broad network and entrepreneurship we create surprising and perfect matches.